why cats called "puss" in the world ?

Cats are one of the very adorable pet and most people in this world many are calling with puss or pussy so this is the reason why all cats if called puss always look . Most people in this world many have chosen as their pet cats because these animals are domesticated animals , funny , and adherence to human . Every person who keeps cats always give names to their pets with unique names and funny , but all cats will always look if called puss despite the name given
her puss but not another name. Why is that? What is the reason ?

This is the reason why All Cats If Called Puss Always Looking and Responding
Call puss cat definitely turned, is that correct? Cats are one of the pets that have long been side by side with humans since 5,000 years ago. In some countries , namely Egypt cat not only as pets but these animals also regarded as an incarnation of the god that this animal is a sacred animal . Another case with China , this cat is believed to be an animal that can bring good luck or fortune abundant source so that in this country many statues of cats found in every shopping to bring good luck in their endeavors.

Why cats called puss is always turned ? If we look further , the cat always respond or turn each of us called him by name when the puss puss cat is not , why is that ?

Puss or pussy is a word derived from the Dutch word is ' poe ' , while ' puuskatte ' is a word derived from German or Swedish , but more famous is ' pussy ' or ' pusekatt ' which comes from the Norwegian word meaning a call for beautiful woman or a call for a female cat . In 1530 the name of the cat is believed that ' puss ' and at the time of Germany , Norway , and the Netherlands use a ' puss ' to call a cat .
In 1605 the word ' puss ' experience little change is ' pussy ' and this word has been used by people all over the world to call the cat . Then in 1805 the word ' pussy ' change is ' pussycat ' and this word has also been used for a children's song . That is a brief history of naming a cat and this is why the cat turned when called puss .

Apparently not all cats always respond or look when it is called ' puss ' . Why is that? One reason why not all cats will turn when it was called ' puss ' that is the habit since childhood or from birth . Cats that are kept since childhood will have a behavior as taught to him since birth . If the birth cat was called by calling other names like Jason or Mike when to eat then automatically the cat will turn when called by the name given to him and would not respond if called with the word ' puss ' because these animals are not accustomed to call ' puss ' and sounds very foreign to him . Habit is what can cause a cat will not respond if called with ' puss ' .

That is the reason why not all cats are always turned when called ' puss ' and it turns out that behavior is influenced by the animal's habit since childhood . But lately a lot of calls for cats and one of the most popular call is Pussy , Catty , and Kitty .

Here's some information about the history of the name penggilan cat and this is the reason why all cats if called puss always look .

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