Firefootball From Indonesia

Fire football games commonly played at boarding school in Indonesia admired the British media. The Sun , Daily Mail , Mirror and Huffington Post busy to proclaim the game.

Deadly Lake, Natron Lake

 Lake is one of the natural attractions that delight and was visited by many people because of its beauty, but there is a lake that is feared by many people is Natron, lakes lethal alter its victims to stone. Perhaps this lake is the only terrible lake in the world and never be used as a tourist attraction because it may endanger human safety.

 Here Natron, Lake Deadly Change Victims Become Stone

why cats called "puss" in the world ?

Cats are one of the very adorable pet and most people in this world many are calling with puss or pussy so this is the reason why all cats if called puss always look . Most people in this world many have chosen as their pet cats because these animals are domesticated animals , funny , and adherence to human . Every person who keeps cats always give names to their pets with unique names and funny , but all cats will always look if called puss despite the name given
her puss but not another name. Why is that? What is the reason ?

9 children raised up by animals

From myth to reality

Legend has it that Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome, were abandoned as children and had to be suckled by a wolf until they were discovered by a wandering shepherd. Eventually they founded the great city on Palatine Hill, the very place where they had been cared for by the wolf. This is likely just a myth, but history abounds with real stories of children who really were raised by animals.

Although reality for these feral children is rarely so romanticized as it was for Romulus and Remus (feral children are often hampered with cognitive and behavioral disabilities), occasionally their stories can also be a testament to the human will to survive, and of the tender maternal instinct of other animals.

1. Ukrainian dog girl

Brain cells ‘burn out’ in Parkinson’s

Brain cells in Parkinson's disease exhaust themselves and die prematurely, burning out like an "overheating motor", an early study suggests.

Canadian researchers say the findings might help explain why only small parts of the brain are affected in the disease.

Parkinson's is caused by a loss of nerve cells in certain areas of the brain - but why these cells are vulnerable has been a mystery.


An Indonesian bicycle maker has released an environment-friendly new bicycle with frames made from bamboo. The manufacturer claims the bamboo frames are reportedly stronger than carbon frames found on modern bikes.


It’s nearly impossible to hang around foodies these days without hearing the words organic, sustainable, or some form of the word local (locally sourced, buying local, locavore). Well, today I’m going to propose a new type of backyard crop that’s all of these things – you might even have some in your backyard already.


Indonesia Bamboo Guitar

It has long been known bamboo communities in Indonesia and use it in everyday life, both to build a house, household appliances, handicrafts, musical instruments, and others.
It is not independent of the availability of bamboo that grow easily in the country and many bamboo